Estate of Hutchinson Fruit Co Family

Blue Raven Estate Sales present a VIP EVENT from the estate of Jim and Betty Hutchinson who owned Hutchinson Fruit Farm for years.
This is a partial sale of the home contents and will mostly feature unique and valuable items from this charming Los Ranchos home (off Rio Grande Blvd.) like the one-of-a-kind UNM red fedora made for Jim Hutchinson after his generous gift to the university.
No RSVP is needed, however, we may limit the number of people in the home at one time.
Saturday, August 5, 9 am–3 pm
Sunday, August 6, 9 am–12 pm (Half Price Day!)
Although our prices are always fair, we will make every attempt to honor this family's estate with a profitable sale.
Items for sale—
American Indian Coin Collection, framed
"Two Gray Hills" Navajo rug (70s)
Assorted vintage Lobo items
John Daly framed collectibles including signature
Watercolor style print signed Velasquez
Oil painting of a little girl, Betsy Ruby, 1964
Photo reproductions (3), framed, R. Guitz (Scottsdale artist)
Bosque photo, framed
Acrylic landscape painting, Lois Lyl
Framed reproduction still life, Sabatino
Stars & Stripes America's Cup, San Diego framed poster, 1988
Native American man, painting, 3.5' x 4.5', framed
"Making Friends" (13/50) Bob Brittain, 1981 signed print given by the Board of Directors of the New Mexico Boys and Girls Ranches
Painted Spanish tile, Jenny Webb, 1997
"Our Daily Bread" painting
Signed print of Native American women (26/650), Jacque Evans
Southwest & Native American
"Two Gray Hills" Navajo rug (70s)
Pots, art
Pottery signed P.M.
SW telephone
SW booties
Santo Domingo ceramic basket (50s)
Turtle fetishes
Acoma Sky City Greenware
Sand Art
Fabric runner
Spanish Market St. Francis wood sculpture
Cash and Credit Cards (MasterCard/Visa) are accepted. Street parking is limited. Please observe the neighborhood signs and be courteous toward the residents.
Items for Sale—
Leather couches (3)
Leather chairs (4)
Stone-top coffee table
Stone-top side tables (3)
Wood rocker
TV trays
SW upholstered bar stools (2)
Leaded glass lamps (table & floor), Tiffany style
Teal Southwest wood hutch with cabinet doors
Teal Southwest wood chest of drawers
Dining room table, 9'6" x 3'8", upholstered chairs (4), leather chairs (4)
Sideboard matching dining room table
Southwest high-top, matching chairs (4)
Sideboard cabinets (2)
Mexican bench
Teal Mexican porch rockers
Copper-top side tables (2), Mexican
Copper-top side coffee table, Mexican
Home Decor
Regional SW rugs
Fall decor: linens, serving, decorating
TV trays
Large copper urn, 3'6"
Smaller copper urn
Vintage willow basket
Black Mexican luminary
Hand-painted pot/vase, "Recuerdo"
Wine, martini, juice, water glasses
Waterford wine glasses
"H" engraved full set of glasses (champagne, highball, brandy, dessert, etc.)
Sailboat teapot
Tabletop wine rack
Yamaha PSR-240 keyboard
CDs of popular music